count it down happy new year cupcakes
Oftentimes we find ourselves making resolutions as the New Year heralds "fresh start!" "new beginning!". And it certainly is. The start of a new calendar, 365 days to hope, dream and accomplish.

January 2015 is here! Happy New Year!
Oftentimes we find ourselves making resolutions as the New Year heralds “fresh start!” “new beginning!”. And it certainly is. The start of a new calendar, 365 days to hope, dream and accomplish.
This year why not try to DO something instead of NOT do something? Adding a positive approach to each day can have lasting effects on us physically, mentally and emotionally.
I resolve to…..say something nice to someone everyday
I resolve to…..listen to my inner voice
I resolve to… my best everyday
I resolve to…..take a risk
I resolve to… kind to myself
I resolve to…..appreciate all that I have.

Whatever you choose we are glad you are sharing your year with us!

This is the beginning of a 365 page book. Write a good one.

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